rrrrrrr中性贴膜润滑剂r本品采用高科技纳米技术研制,配方温和,不伤害人体,不腐蚀镀膜表面镀层,具有较强的清洁力,贴附力及润滑性,可以保护防爆膜不受阳光、气体的氧化,使贴膜长时间不会变色、炫光、褪色氧化等副作用,真正做到柔和防滑,无色无味,洁净无瑕。r用量:r将本品1:100兑清洁纯净水,轻摇均匀。r用法:r将兑好水的贴膜剂直接喷于玻璃表面清洁,或喷在镀膜表面贴膜,按正常操作,用软件刮干、刮平即可。r规格:100ml*6 有效期:3年rNeutral moisture foil agentrThis is high-tech nano product. It has the strong cleaning power, adhesion strength and lubrication functions. It forms the super membrane to protect from sun and air oxidation. It will make the foil last for longer time and no harm to the color.rDilution rate: rdilute it with water at the rate of 1:100, and make it evenly.rUse for direction: rDilute it with water evenly, then spray it evenly on the glass surface. Or spray it on the foil, then use the utensil to make the foil smoothly. rRemarks: rKeep it away from children. rSize: 100ml * 6 Period of validity: 3 yearsr rr
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